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Getting the Most From a Service: What To Ask

No matter what type of help you are looking for, the only way to find resources to fit your needs is to ask the right questions. When you are calling an organization for information, it is important to think about what questions you are going to ask before you call. Many people find it helpful to write out their questions in advance, and to take notes during the call. Another good tip is to ask the name of the person with whom you are speaking in case you have follow up questions. Below are some of the questions you may want to consider if you are calling or visiting a new agency and want to learn about how they can help:

  • How do I apply [for this service]?
  • Are there eligibility requirements? What are they?
  • Is there an application process? How long will it take? What information will I need to complete the application process? Will I need anything else to get the service?
  • Do you have any other suggestions or ideas about where I can find help?

The most important thing to remember is that you will rarely receive help unless you ask for it. In fact, asking can be the hardest part of getting help. Don’t be afraid or ashamed to ask for assistance. Cancer is a very difficult disease, but there are people and services that can ease your burdens and help you focus on your treatment and recovery.

This fact sheet was adapted from Cancer Care, Inc., a nonprofit social service agency whose mission is to help people with cancer and their families. Cancer Care’s toll-free telephone number is 1–800–813–HOPE.



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