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Alternative Therapies

Cancer Treatments and Supplements Breakdown

This list does not include all and every treatment and/or supplement but does give a good overview of some of the most popular ones used today. Use caution when using any of these and I would recommend getting with a healthcare professional that is familiar with alternative/complementary therapies to help guide you.

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A combination of natural herbs developed in India, Carctol is a well researched and tested cancer therapy. It treats all types of cancer including cancers of the esophagus, ear, nose throat, brain, breast, lymphoma, lungs, blood, kidney, cervix, stomach, colon/rectal, pancreas etc. Demonstrated to be non-toxic and side effect free, it has been used successfully in India and parts of Europe for 25 years. Besides successfully treating cancer it also neutralizes toxic agents produced by chemotherapeutic drugs.  
Carnivora (Venus Fly Trap extract)
Carnivora supplies essential nutrients to the immune system allowing it to operate at high efficiency. In addition, it mimics the activities of the immune system itself in destroying defective or so-called primitive cells from a wide variety of pathogens (viruses and bacteria). Many laboratory studies worldwide have demonstrated its effectiveness against cancer and AIDS. Since 1981, over 2000 patients have been treated with Carnivora, including President Ronald Reagan.
Cesium Chloride
Cesium Chloride, one of earth's most alkaline elements, has been used to raise the pH of the body as an alternative or complementary cancer treatment for many years. In the 1930s, Dr. Otto Warburg of Germany won a Nobel Prize for showing that cancer thrives in an anaerobic (without oxygen) or acidic, environment. Research by Keith Brewer, PhD and H.E. Sartori has shown that raising the PH, or oxygen content of a cancer cell, to 8.0 creates a deadly environment and they soon die and are disposed of by the body. Today cesium chloride is typically used in combination with potassium.  
Chelation Therapy
Mercury, nickel, lead, and aluminum are all considered heavy (toxic) metals. They can enter our bodies from many sources including exhaust, cosmetics, paint, evaporated milk, infant formulas, baby powder, bleached white flour, pharmaceutical drugs, antacids, tooth paste, and aspirin. Heavy metals can block the natural detoxification processes. This can lead to fatigue, nutritional deficiencies, and numerous other health-related issues. Chelation therapy safely and effectively removes heavy metals from the body’s cells and tissues. This therapy can be helpful in improving blood circulation as well.    

Coley's Toxins
Amazingly, back in 1888 Dr. William B. Coley (1862-1936), Harvard Medical School graduate, and eminent New York City surgeon and cancer researcher, stumbled across one of the most intriguing findings ever made in cancer research. Cancer cannot survive in an environment of temperatures more than 42 C (107.6 F). His discovery was first tolerated, then ridiculed, and finally suppressed; although in recent years some new interest in his discovery has emerged among researchers. Dr. Coley devised methods to safely create a fever in cancer patients with great success. Nearly 100 years of knowing this, there are now some clinical trials being conducted in the U.S. to date.  
Curcumin (diferuloyl methane) is the active compound in the spice Tumeric. Curcumin has potent irreversible anti-proliferative effects against a variety of cancer cell lines in vitro (in test tube). Further, this compound demonstrates little in the way of toxicity in animals as well as in preliminary Phase I trials in humans. In fact, scientists have discovered even curry powder (turmeric is a principal ingredient in curry) helps stop the spread of breast cancer. Texas-based researchers found that curcumin inhibits the spread of breast cancer into the lungs and improves the effectiveness of current remedies. Bharat Aggarwal, professor of cancer medicine at Texas University, said: "We are excited about the study results and the possible implications for taking the findings into the clinic in the next few years." There have been numerous articles written on the effectiveness of this remarkable herb in the treatment of cancer. Curcumin is believed to directly induce cancer cell apoptosis (cell suicide).
Discovered by researchers at the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Texas, d-glucarates have been shown to decrease lung, skin, liver, breast and colon cancers by 60 percent or more (Walaszek, 1990). In addition, it has been found to have an inhibitor effect on cancers of the bladder and the prostate. In the breast, D-glucarate has been shown in more than 20 experimental animal and in vitro studies to significantly inhibit cancer. The primary mechanism of action of D-glucarate is through its ability to enhance detoxification of both chemical carcinogens from the environment and estrogenic tumor promoters produced by the body. Women who are at a higher risk for breast cancer have a lower detoxification capacity for carcinogens and estrogens. Likewise, D-glucarate has been found to effectively prevent the induction of prostate cancer in men. Non-prescription calcium d-glucarate tablets are readily available.
Detoxification Procedures
Removal of internal toxins and metabolic waste material, all of which builds up in the body over time, is essential to restoring health in any disease and a cornerstone of the most successful alternative treatment centers. The body must constantly devote enormous energy and resources protecting itself against the effects of internal toxins and waste products - resources that would be far better spent fighting cancer. Depending on who you read, estimates of the amount of man-made chemicals in our air, food and water today range from 38,000 to 95,000. These compounds never even existed in nature prior to the industrial revolution beginning in the late 1800s. Most alternative clinics and hospitals drain the lymph system using massage therapy and herbs. The kidneys, liver and digestive system are also cleansed.  Chelation therapy (oral or intravenous) will clear the arteries, the blood, and will remove toxic metals like mercury, cadmium and lead. An amazing amount of renewed energy, health, and disease fighting power can be gained by detoxification procedures alone.
Di-Indole Methane (a.k.a. DIM)
Di-Indole Methane is the direct metabolite of I3C (Indole-3-Carbinol) and twice as strong. DIM has been shown in studies to be helpful for both men and women. This naturally occurring extract of the cabbage family (cruciferous) has proven effective in studies worldwide against hormonal related cancers. Its mechanism is to decrease high estrogen levels in both men and women which usually leads to cancer or other illnesses often associated with aging. Supplementing the diet with DIM and eating cruciferous vegetables increases the specific aerobic metabolism for estrogen, multiplying the chance for so-called bad estrogen to be broken down into beneficial, or good estrogen metabolites.
Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) has a wide range of therapeutic uses. Most physicians are unaware of its value in spite of over 3000 studies on over 500,000 patients (as of 1991!). DMSO binds with water and changes the structure of the water within the cell, which results in the healing of cellular damage. This also increases the permeability of the cell membrane, causing a flushing of toxins from the inside of the cell. DMSO also improves immune function, decreases allergic reactions, increases immunity to infections, prohibits cancer growth, and decreases the potency of toxins. DMSO crosses the blood-brain barrier, and is an excellent agent to help transport other substances throughout the body. When used in quantity though, it can produce an odd odor to the body. It continues to be ignored decade after decade by conventional medicine. 

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