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Alternative Therapies

Cancer Treatments and Supplements Breakdown

This list does not include all and every treatment and/or supplement but does give a good overview of some of the most popular ones used today. Use caution when using any of these and I would recommend getting with a healthcare professional that is familiar with alternative/complementary therapies to help guide you.

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This South American herb has been used for many illnesses for centuries and is a favorite in all health food stores. It is developing a reputation as an effective cancer fighter when taken daily as a tea over three months time. The taste is acceptable. It must be brewed correctly and a maintenance dose be consumed daily once the situation is under control. See  www.pau-d-arco.com.
Ph Balancing
The term pH refers to content of the Hydrogen proton. Or, some will claim percentage of Hydrogen. There are other definitions. In general chemistry, acidic compounds tend to expel oxygen, while alkaline or base compounds, the opposite of acid, absorb oxygen. A glass of vinegar and water will not absorb oxygen from the air, while a glass of baking soda in water will. pH puts a number on the degree of acidity. Many are convinced our modern diet, rich in acid-forming processed foods, especially refined sugar (one of the worst things a cancer patient can eat), is one of the reasons cancer rates have exploded in the last 100 years. Excessive acid conditions drive oxygen from the body. Many therapeutic diets are designed to counteract excess acidity. As a rule, all conventional foods are acid forming except vegetables and almost all fruits. Even whole grain breads, basic grains and cereals are acid forming. Alternative clinics and hospitals will use acid-neutralizing minerals like calcium, magnesium and potassium to help correct acid/alkaline imbalances in the body. Excessive stress and highly negative emotions can exacerbate acid conditions.  
Research conducted by the Department of Biochemistry and Cell Biology at State University of New York reports that Poly-MVA clearly demonstrates a remarkable ability to kill tumor cells without the toxic side effects. In addition to being a powerful antioxidant and nutritional supplement, it has also show to protect cell DNA and RNA. Further, it helps the body produce energy and supports the liver in removing harmful substances from the blood stream.  While long term qualitative studies on its effect in human nutrition and health have not yet been completed, early studies and anecdotal information show a wide range of benefits.  What makes Poly-MVA unique is the proprietary manufacturing process by which lipoic acid is bonded to Palladium (LAPd). This is an exceptional product but somewhat expensive.
Proteolytic enzymes
Proteolytic enzymes (or proteases) refer to the various enzymes that digest protein. Proteolytic enzymes have a long history of use in cancer treatment. In 1906, John Beard, a Scottish embryologist, reported on the successful treatment of cancer using a pancreatic extract in his book "The Enzyme Treatment of Cancer and its Scientific Basis."  Proteolytic enzymes have been promoted by numerous alternative cancer practitioners for many years. They are currently under study by Nicholas Gonzalez, M.D. of New York, who is evaluating the benefit of proteolytic enzymes in patients with advanced pancreatic cancer in a large-scale study funded by the National Institutes of Health and the National Cancer Institute. This larger trial is a follow-up to a smaller study that showed dramatic improvements in these patients. These enzymes include the pancreatic proteases chymotrypsin and trypsin, bromelain (pineapple enzyme), papain (papaya enzyme), fungal proteases, and Serrapeptase.
Note: see also Kelley's Metabolic therapy above.  

Protocel a.k.a. Cancell, Cantron & Entelev
A formula first made about 70 years ago by a chemist, James Sheridan.  The formula is said to be one of the most potent antioxidant combinations ever made and has been utilized in the treatment of many cancers.  It is important to research this product thoroughly since some cancers do not seem to be effected by the formula and there are a myriad of supplements that should NOT be used while taking this product.  http://alternativecancer.us/protocel.htm

In his newsletter, Dr Bruce West (MD), describes Protomorphogens as the tiniest specks of life our bodies make specifically to grow each kind of tissue or organ. Later in life, they remain vitally necessary for the control factors involved in fighting disease. In theory, when an organ develops cancer, the PMG blueprint of it gets changed. Uncontrolled cell division starts to take place. Today there are over 75 patented PMG’s for specific disease conditions created by Standard Process labs in Wisconsin, USA. In early studies, it has been shown that taking PMG’s orally for a specific cancer initiated a healing of that organ. For lung cancer, there is Pneumotrophin, for liver cancer there is Hepatrophin, etc. The only place PMG’s are available is from a distributor of Standard Process Lab' products. Dr Royal Lee, the lab's founder sells only to Health Care Professionals.
Research has shown that some form of psychotherapy may improve a patient's quality of life. It can help reduce anxiety and depression frequently occurring in people with cancer. Psychotherapy has not, however, been demonstrated to increase survival in people with cancer by itself. Psychotherapists believe that it can help people find the inner strength they need to improve their coping skills, allowing them to more fully enjoy their lives. It can also be useful in overcoming depression and anxiety, which are common in people with cancer. People may seek individual therapists, or those who work with couples and/or entire families in order to deal with the impact of the cancer and its diagnosis. Psychotherapy also may be practiced with groups, in which a number of people meet together to discuss common experiences and issues and to learn specific coping techniques. Unlike self-help groups, psychotherapy groups are offered and managed by a professional therapist.
This is a safe, new, effective alternative to conventional radiation treatment. Generally used only once a week, a radio isotope IV solution is administered followed by a simple x-ray. This 1, 2 punch causes cancer cells to die off, and many research centers in the United States are now using this approach. PET scans and MRI's in between treatments are used to track progress of the therapy. The low dose x-ray can be localized to the patient's particular cancerous area. Virtually no side effects are reported. Just like a CT scan, radioisotopes leave the body within half a day. Contact www.natural-oncology.org for more info. For what it is worth, this new therapy was featured on the network television news program 20/20.
Resveratrol is a member of the bioflavonoid family of fruits and vegetables and has the property of inhibiting certain enzymes cancer cells use to achieve abnormal duplication and growth. In a recent issue, Science Magazine devoted an entire article to the effectiveness of Resveratrol in the treatment of cancer entitled "The Cancer Chemopreventive Activity of Resveratrol."  
Rife Technology
An amazing story here. Royal Raymond Rife (1888 - 1971) was a brilliant scientist who developed technologies which are still in use today in the fields of optics, electronics, radiochemistry, biochemistry, ballistics and aviation. During the 66 years that Rife spent designing and building medical instruments, he worked for Zeiss Optics, the U.S. Government, and several private benefactors. Using a remarkable new microscope he designed and built, Rife identified what he termed Cryptocides primordiales - an extremely small virus which he was able to culture (grow). He identified it as the basic cause of all cancers and created 400 tumors in succession in laboratory animals from this same culture. Everything was documented with film, photographs and meticulous records. Next he was able to use a certain frequency of energy produced by a machine he developed that could destroy these cancer causing viruses in the body without harming any normal cells. All of this was in the 1930’s and Rife's work was discredited by the conventional medical establishment, as it remains to this day. Many scientists and doctors have since confirmed Rife's discovery of the cancer virus and its pleomorphic nature, using darkfield techniques, the Naessens microscope, and laboratory experiments.

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