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Diagnosis Top 10

When I was diagnosed I researched incessantly and consulted with many specialists and practitioners in various fields of health.  I did a major overhaul to my life and have narrowed these down to the top 10 things to focus on upon diagnosis.  I know, all too well, how hard this time is mentally and emotionally and how convoluted information can become.  You are at a crucial point on your path and deciphering information is difficult and all too consuming.  The following areas of focus are to give you some simple information and guidance as to how to help your body and give it the best chance at survival.  I did this by eliminating the everyday burdens on my body (as much as possible) in order for my body to devote its attention to my cancer.  See what feels right to you.


  • Lotions, deodorants, laundry detergent, candles, cleanings supplies, pesticides, non organic make-up etc.


  • Move your lymphatics to keep congestion down so it can work effectively to remove toxins and debris from your body.
  • Exercise and try rebounding (mini trampoline).


  • Drink copious amounts of water to flush your body systems.
  • Filtration for all drinking and cooking water used.


  • Eat organic whenever possible.  This will eliminate the extra burden placed on your liver to cleanse out toxins, pesticides, herbicides, food colorings, preservative and more and free your body up to concentrate on cancer.
  • Educate yourself on an Anti-inflammatory diet as cancer (and most chronic illness) is an inflammatory condition.
  • Lots of fresh “live” foods, i.e. fruit and vegetables.
  • No fried foods as they are carcinogenic.
  • Stay away from Trans fats and bad oils and replace these with flax oil, olive, various nut oils, coconut oil etc.


  • Get with a good Naturopathic Doctor or Integrative MD to devise a supplemental plan that will help you in your battle against cancer.
  • Be certain that you choose a healthcare practitioner that is educated in cancer, in particular your cancer.


  • Look into non-invasive diagnostic testing, i.e. Biomeridian, Quantum Scio, Kinesiology, Live Blood Cell Analysis and/or Thermography to name just a few.
  • Stay on top of your routine scans as well, i.e. PET, CT Scan, Bone Scan and/or MRI.


  • Buy a good juicer (suggest a Champion).
  • Juice: Beets, Carrots, Celery, Onion, Radish, Green Apple, Broccoli Stalks, Collard Green Stalks and other vegetables.  Be sure the only fruit is Green Apple.
  • Drink 16oz a day or more (consume as soon as you juice).


  • Healing the mind can only help your body.
  • Past traumatic experiences can affect your health immeasurably.
  • Check out Energy Medicine, i.e. Reiki and/or Energy Work.
  • Investigate counseling services.


  • Clean your body through a good nutritious diet.
  • Drink copious amounts of water.
  • Consider Colonics (check with healthcare provider first).
  • Consider Coffee Enemas (check with healthcare provider first).
  • Get with a healthcare practitioner and explore ways to detoxify your body (gently).


  • Explore the fungal/cancer connection.
  • Look into Candida and how it may relate to you and your body.
  • Check the PH levels of your body.
  • Research books on the PH levels of the body, diet, illnesses and more.


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Information found on this website is not intended to be used to diagnose and/or treat a health condition or disease. Please consult your healthcare practitioner with concerns you may have regarding your condition. Information provided is for educational purposes and not intended as diagnosis, treatment or prescription of any kind.

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