Home Darlene's Corner Special Thanks
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Special thanks to …

my husband, Brian for his love, ongoing support and faith in my journey
my beautiful son, Cameron who inspires me daily and made me fight like hell to live
Isidor Steiner my beloved grandfather who gave me so much in life and was here in spirit through the dark

Carole Davis my wonderful friend that stood by me through it all and stayed positive
Carol Gray earned the title of “mother” (not by birth but by commitment), she is my shining star
Carol Lewis my amazing Aunt that was here for me and my family (and the Lewis Family)
Elena Morreale my friend and doc who never gave up on me
Eric Johnson my friend that was there any time, any day
Jane Hollister the best shrink who helped me see through the storm
Maggie Batt my Reiki teacher and friend – helped me find my path to enlightenment
Nora Hooper my spiritual friend that is so very gifted and a blessing to us all
Ray Hernandez my friend and soul brother
Renee Skop my friend, a ray of light that helps many
Rick Brown my amazing friend (whom I call my brother) who has been here helping me every step
      of the way with everything; who shares my passion for helping others and does it so well.
      Thank you for the endless hours on my two websites - One amazing soul! 
Rita Starr my “little angel” who was a total stranger and gave so selflessly of herself and does to so
      many fighting this illness. God Bless You!
Ruth Fennell my wonderful friend with a heart of gold and a source of inspiration to me
Sandy Miniere - survivor, my Energy Work Guru and close friend – led me to the light
Sue Welfley who reached out to me and helped me in so many ways, believed in me and gave me
      hope in my time of doubt. 
Tralisa my very caring and compassionate niece for helping us in our time of need

Friends: Annie, Pam K., Eleanor, Madeline, Mary Ellen, Chris, Michelle, Pam F., Mary Lou, Monica, Ranae, Sheri and my entire breast cancer support group

BreastCancerChoices.org and the Amazon CancerCured Group
       the most amazing women – the warriors that gave me strength
Annie Appleseed Project, Ann Fonfa, Founder – inspiring and our soldier on the front lines
Ann Frahm, A Cancer Battle Plan gave me the hope and encouragement to fight
Julia Chiapetta, Breast Cancer – The Notebook, survivor and one of the many warriors

Business Colleagues/Friends who prayed for me and gave monetary donations to help my family in our time of need
       – you all gave selflessly and showed what “community” really means
Dr. Cox who believed I would be his “other” miracle in his career as a surgeon
Dr. George for his strength, knowledge and of course putting up with me
Dr. Minton and her wonderful staff for putting up with me and being so compassionate
Dr. Roberts for helping save my life and listening when no one else would
Dr. Stritter, Stritter Medical Consulting for caring and fighting for me when I couldn’t
Vincent Gammill for his knowledge and compassion

All my beautiful friends, the warriors that I have lost to cancer and was blessed to know 
      - I miss you all dearly and know you are with me in spirit
Tranella Gant, my precious sister in-law that lost her battle at age 36 and gave the world three
      beautiful souls – you will never be forgotten

Last but not least, God, for keeping me here and for one amazing journey!


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