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Alternative Therapies

Cancer Treatments and Supplements Breakdown

This list does not include all and every treatment and/or supplement but does give a good overview of some of the most popular ones used today. Use caution when using any of these and I would recommend getting with a healthcare professional that is familiar with alternative/complementary therapies to help guide you.

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Kelley's Metabolic therapy
The Kelley Metabolic diet. Special mention is required here regarding Dr. Donald Kelley DDS, an under-appreciated dentist, scientist, researcher and humanitarian.
In the 1970s he pioneered a breakthrough diet system based on body types. His system included certain pancreatic enzymes and has proven amazing results against cancer. As his reputation spread, thousands of cancer sufferers sought him out. Despite his proven success, he endured endless harassment by a host of government agencies claiming he was practicing medicine without a license and guilty of "other charges." He was a dentist and not an MD they claimed. No matter his methods of curing cancer he had an astonishing success rate of over 90% within 6 months for those that follow his program exactly. Meticulous records kept over the years back up his statistics. His breakthrough work is being continued by Dr. Nicolas Gonzalez in New York, complete with funding now from the U.S. government so that he may officially "research and develop" a system identical to Dr. Kelley's. You can read Dr. Kelley’s book "One Answer to Cancer" online at no charge. See www.drkelley.com/CANLIVER55.html.
Laetrile (See also Apricot Pits)

This supplement has been developed by Dr Mamdooh Ghoneum, an Egyptian immunologist at Charles Drew University of Medicine and Science in Los Angeles. This natural immune enhancer, marketed in the USA by Lane Labs, Inc., has increased the lifespan of terminally ill cancer patients by more than 60% according to a recent study. Over 200 patients with a variety of terminal cancers were evaluated for 18 months. Patients given MGN3 plus conventional therapies recorded a 59% survival rate, while those on conventional therapies alone recorded a 33.9% survival rate. (The study, conducted by Dr. Kihachiro Takahara, MD at Japan's respected Sano Surgical Clinic, was presented at the 3rd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Complementary & Alternative Medicine. The official abstract is available at www.lifeextensionmgn3.com.) MGN3 is made from the outer shell of rice bran which has been enzymatically treated with extracts from three different medicinal mushrooms: Shiitake, Kawaratake and Suehirotake. In Japan, these mushroom extracts in one form or another have become the leading prescription treatments for cancer. MGN3 can also be used to lessen the toxic side effects of conventional cancer treatment.
Modified Citrus Pectin
Dozens of published studies demonstrate the effectiveness of this little-known naturally occurring compound taken from the pulp of citrus fruits - especially grapefruit. Note that this is not the same pectin commonly available for use in cooking. MCP is thought to be useful in the prevention and treatment of metastatic (spreading) cancer, not as a curative therapy that destroys established cells/tumors. A key mechanism of its action is to suppress angiogenesis, the blood vessels that each cancer cell grows to obtain a steady input of blood.  Without nourishment, cells stop metastasizing and die. MCP molecules bind to receptors on cancerous cells as well, thereby preventing these cells from penetrating into nearby healthy tissue. Once this has occurred, the cancer cells circulate in the blood stream until they die or are eliminated.  By working to inhibit the spread of cancer, MCP keeps the body’s immune system from becoming overwhelmed by an increasing cancer cell load.
Mycosoft Gold®
Another excellent immune system enhancer based on a complex of medicinal mushrooms. Newly reformulated with thirteen species of polypore mushrooms (Ice Man Polypore, Agarikon, Artist Conk, Reishi, Oregon Polypore, Maitake, Chaga, Shiitake, Mesima, Birch Polypore, Zhu Ling, Suehirotake, and Yun Zhi), MycoSoft Gold is specifically designed to potentiate the immune system with a complex assortment of polysaccharides - precursor nutrients needed by the immune system. Recommended as an adjuvant to conventional therapies, any individual needing to boost their immune system may well benefit from MycoSoftGold. This product has been endorsed by Dr. Andrew Weil, the popular MD, author, TV personality and director of the Program in Integrative Medicine at the University of Arizona's Health Sciences Center in Tucson where he trains a new generation of MDs on how to use proven natural and alternative treatments.
N-Tense® (See also Graviola)
N-Tense is a potent cancer fighter which combines some of the South American rainforest's most powerful healing plants into one synergistic formula. This proprietary formula contains 50% Graviola combined with 7 other plants that have similar properties and actions as Graviola. Most find this synergistic action to provide better results than Graviola alone. All of these plants have been independently studied around the world for decades and have documented pharmacological actions.  For more information about www.Rain-Tree.com's N-Tense formula, including contraindications, suggested dosages, etc. see www.rain-tree.com/n-tense.htm.
Naessen's 714X
714-X is a substance containing camphor, nitrogen, ammonium salts, sodium chloride, and ethanol, and was developed in Canada by French-born scientist Gaston Naessens. Early in his career, Naessens developed the somatoscope, a special microscope capable of examining the blood at extremely high magnifications. Using the somatoscope, he claimed to have discovered tiny living organisms called somatids in the blood of people with serious diseases, including cancer. He believed that these somatids were responsible for the development of disease, and he set out to find a way to eliminate or disable them. Proponents claim that 714-X is capable of curing cancer and AIDS by interfering with the flow of somatids through the bloodstream.  It is further claimed that cancer cells produce a substance called co-cancerogenic K factor (CKF), which protects them from the immune system. 714-X supposedly strips CKF by supplying the body with nitrogen and leaves tumor cells vulnerable to attack by the immune system. Although used as an alternative method in Canada, Western Europe, and Mexico to treat cancer, AIDS, and other diseases for decades, it is illegal in the United States.
Omega 3 fatty acids
Researchers are studying the effects omega-3 fatty acids have on delaying or reducing tumor development in breast and prostate cancer. Since bodies cannot make omega-3 fatty acids, we must get them from food or supplements. Sources and recommended servings of foods naturally high in omega-3 fatty acids include seafood, especially cold-water fish like salmon, mackerel, sardines, herring, halibut, stripped bass, tuna, and lake trout. Also omega 3’s are present in flaxseed oil and beans such as kidney, great northern, navy, and soybeans.
Note: If taking pharmaceutical drugs, consult with you health care practitioner about using these highly essential nutrients.
In use for 25+ years, Oncotox is a liquid combination of five natural cancer inhibitors, all of which have extensive research studies documenting their effectiveness. Oncotox was developed by Dr. Donald Donsbach and has been an essential part all these years of the holistic cancer therapy program at his hospital, Santa Monica in Mexico. The cancer inhibitors in Oncotox are Resveratrol, IP-6, Lactoferrin, Arginine and Curcumin.   
Oxygen therapies
Oxygen is frequently called a cancer cell's worst enemy and a variety of ways to increase the body's oxygen content have been developed over the decades. Many degenerative diseases of modern time respond to oxygen therapy. The methods of delivering ozone/oxygen/peroxide into the body are too numerous to describe here. All use purified medical grade oxygen compounds of course.  As an example, some eight thousand (8000) MDs and licensed health practitioners (including homeopathic physicians and naturopaths) in Germany use ozone in their practices, while some fifteen thousand European practitioners use ozone, either alone or as a complement to other therapies. Russian doctors have been utilizing ozone for the last 15 years. It is estimated that over 10 million ozone treatments have been given to over one million patients in Germany alone over the last forty years. The medical uses of ozone are well established in many of these countries. Oxygen cancer therapy is not allowed in the United States. More approaches are Peroxide therapy, EWOT (Exercise W Oxygen therapy), Hyperbaric Oxygen therapy and even pH balancing.

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